18th January 2025

Search Medbourne Parish Council

Serving the people of Medbourne

Flood Preparedness and Community Resilience

Whilst we enjoy some respite from the recent heavy rain, it is worth reflecting that this is early in 'the season' and the land around us has had a through soaking making the situation for our excellent village flood defences ever more challenging. I recently attended a 'flood summit' with our local MP where we discussed how we can help ourselves in the face of these extreme weather events – more about flooding at the end of this message.

It has been suggested that one thing we can do is establish a 'Community Resilience Group'. This is where a [coordinated] group of the willing would be ready to step up in times of need to help the community, prepare for, deal with and recover from an emergency situation or event. Emergency events could be (but are not limited to) Flooding, Heavy Snow, Storm/Wind Damage, Extreme Heat, Pandemic. I do not expect this to be an onerous undertaking in normal times with the main action taking place when it would be needed anyway i.e. during the period of an emergency situation.

In the past Medbourne has always dealt with emergencies and it did not need a 'Medbourne Resilience Group' to do that; I have no doubt that it would continue to do so in the future – ad hoc is sometimes very effective. However, with a modicum of organisation, it could be beneficial for Medbourne to know who might have a particular set of skills, a willingness to offer resources or just a capacity to lean-in and help during an emergency and it could help for us to have a clear understanding of outside agencies (not only the vital emergency services) who could assist should the need arise.

If you are interested in being part of a 'Medbourne Resilience Group' could you please reply on the Medbourne Parish Council Website 'contact us' link (https://www.medbourneparishcouncil.gov.uk/contact-us) describing what you can offer – please start your message 'Medbourne Resilience Group'. You may be just happy making tea in the village hall for people clearing snow or filling sandbags outside, or help administer a register and/or WhatsApp group, or you could be a first-aider or you may have a 4x4 and can offer some transport, you may have some surplus accommodation or a shelter….. the list could be endless. Not sure how this will eventually shape up – it is early days but first of all it would be good to gauge the level of interest in such a group.

More about flooding. Some very useful information was provided by the Environment Agency, for all citizens in particular those at specifically at risk (see lists below). Those on high ground in the village and not in the route of a potential deluge will breathe a sigh of relief with all this talk of flooding, but regardless of your 'altitude', the checklists below provide thoughtful reading as how you may help more vulnerable individuals/households:

How to be prepared for flooding:

Think about a flood Plan of Action – Prepare, Act, Survive

  • Act
    • Turn off gas, water and electricity.
    • Move things upstairs or to safety.
    • Move family, pets and car to safety.
  • Survive
    • Call 999 if in immediate danger.
    • Follow advice from emergency services.
    • Keep yourself and your family safe.

Wing Commander (Rtd) Seb Kendall OBE MA

Chair Medbourne Parish Council

Posted: Fri, 4 Oct 2024

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